In a similar way to a sea, Lake Vänern’s water levels vary during the year, which affects life in and around Sweden’s largest lake. It is therefore in everybody’s interest to find a suitable water release strategy which takes both safety and natural environments into account.
Excessively high water levels have devastating consequences for a large proportion of settlements, farmland and infrastructure in flood-sensitive areas around Vänern. In the past 10 years, Vänern has been more tightly regulated and kept at a constantly low level to reduce the flood risk. This has had major consequences for the ecosystem, in which flora and fauna are dependent on naturally varying water levels. But outdoor recreation, the hospitality industry and shipping are also affected by low water levels.
Many interests are affected by Vänern’s water levels, which is why the Lake Vänern Council was formed in 2018. It is a collaboration group that endeavours to be a driving force in the continued joint work concerning Vänern, using an approach that aims to cross sectors and be permeated by holistic perspectives and consultation. The purpose is to establish a safe water release strategy for Vänern that is adapted to nature and harnesses both nature values and public interests.
Håkan Alexandersson, the Lake Vänern Council’s office
Västra Götaland County Administrative Board
Tel: +46 (0)10-224 53 75
Email: hakan.alexandersson(at)
Laila Gibson, Manager of Lake Vänern Local Authorities Cooperation
Tel: +46 (0)76-78 72 798
Email: laila.gibson(at)